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You know the song “Going Back to Cali?”

Well this month I am back in the Dominican Republic! 

You see, God called me on my first global missions trip to the nations 3 years ago 

and the place he called me to was the Dominican Republic!

It was definitely MORE than a missions trip! Which is what this year on the world 

race is about to be! Why do I say it was more than a missions trip? I say that 

because God not only used me to help be a part of changing the nation but he also 

  changed me from the inside out! He is going to do so much more of that this year!

Being that it was my first time out of the country on a mission trip, it was a big



Going into it, I felt very excited! I was eager to finally actually get to do what God

has called me to do! The group of people I went with were amazing and we all

shared similar hearts for the nations and for people!

It was that fact that made the trip impactful in may ways!

Not only did we do ministry at schools, and within the neighborhoods within the

part of the country we were in~I had a major turning point happen in my faith! I

got baptized in the Holy Spirit and received the gift of speaking in tongues!

That in itself was such an experience that I could write a whole entire blog post



 A super cool thing about the way that I get to experience the Dominican Republic

this time around is that this time around I get to experience the countryside! When

I was here 3 years ago, I was in the city- so I didn’t really get to see the beauty of

the mountains and the trees up close and personal.


Being here at Hope Mountain this month- we are so blessed to be nestled in the

beauty that God has created. We get to wake up and see the mountains and feel

the breeze that is so crisp and pure!


During this month in the Dominican Republic we are doing a variety of things for

ministry including manual labor, housekeeping/cleaning, going out into the

community (outreach) and more!


Stay tuned!  (MORE TO COME!)

Love and blessings to you all! 




My New Friend Ashley and I! She came and visited me and my team when we were working and digging dirt for her cousins new house!



4 responses to “Going Back To Where It All Started!”

  1. Woohoo Cimone, looking forward to all the gloorrrious testimonies… You’re like a little David-like shepherdess girl, mini but mighty, setting out to face the giants of the lands!

  2. Thank you Calvin! Thanks for the encouragement! I love and miss you guys and you all are in my prayers!