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 I can’t believe that its month 8 of the world race already! I am in yet another new country, but not just a new country this month- I am in a totally new continent! For the next 3 months I will be in Europe! This month I am in Romania! I love it here, I absolutely love the city and all the new people, places and experiences that this country is bringing to this season of my life! 


       Last month, in month 7- I was in Nepal and one of the ministries that I was a part of was trekking ministry! Now, I have NEVER trekked before- I have only hiked, so basically I had many feelings leading up to the time of the trek. There was a glimmer of excitement-but I was mostly hesitant, nervous, scared and worried….its safe to say that I really wasnt looking forward to it. You might be thinking to yourself, why was she feeling this way? Well let me tell you why, 1. I have never trekked before and sometimes doing something that I have never done before inititially scares me. 2.I have flat feet and partial scoliocsis. 3. I fell on my ankle wrong and rolled it on the way to ministry prior to the time of our trek.  So those things got in the way of me thinking positively about it, but one thing I did do was pray thru those feelings that were hitting me left and right. When the time for the trek finally came-I faced challenges, I had to stop several times to catch my breath, fix my shoes and rewrap my ankle and I almost had an anxiety attack a few times from nervous feelings and just fighting thru the emotions I was feeling.  Low and behold, with the help of God, my brothers and sisters in Christ and the guides we had with us-I made it thru! I conquered the mountain-literally and figuratively!


       The experience with trekking last month- although it was tough-I believe it was something that I needed to do in order to allow God to begin the work within me of building my confidence, strengthening my faith, and growing me in my boldness. During the last few hours of the trek, my teammate Kasey stuck with me and encouraged me to keep going and she  motivated me by playing music too! Even though she could have been one of the first one to finish, she stuck with me and we were the last ones to finish, but that doesn’t matter because we finished strong! I conquered the mountain!


     This month in Romania, I have already been beginning to see the growth that God is doing in me! We have been living in  the city of Craiova and I have stepped out in boldness in walking around the city to different places by myself! The first time I walked somewhere by myself it was just to the market around the corner from the place we were living but I did it! The second time I walked farther into the center of the city by myself and got coffee and food and explored all on my own! One of the coolest things about it was that I didn’t use any map app and I didn’t get lost! These are big deals because I am usually not good with directions and I sometimes get lost easily. To have the confidence to go places by myself- in a place that is completely new to me for that matter and not get lost is just one example of how God is already working in me, growing me and strengthening me!


6 responses to “From Trekking In The Village, To Growing Confidence In The City!”

  1. I’m so happy you met the challenge of trekking head on and conquered it with the help of the Lord. Many times we fail simply because we try to do things under our own power and not with the Lord. So glad you have this great example in you life to remember this.

  2. Thank you mom! It means the world to me! You are one of my biggest supporters and I love you so much!

  3. Hi Christine, I am not exactly sure who you are (sorry!) I know a handful of christine’s. I am doing good, dealing with some challenges but God is good and he is strengthening me thru them! I hope you are doing well!

  4. Thank you Ellen! It definetly was something I needed to walk thru in order to grow and move forward!