See the title of this blog?
I have NEVER once thought of myself as either of those things.
Even to this day I still sometimes struggle with believing whats God says about me.
I push and pull the envelope of my feelings and notice that its either wide open and
my feelings and emotions are exposed on the letter that sits folded up in the said
envelope Orthose feelings and emotions are sealed tight never to be read on the
letter inside the envelope.
Well, I have learned especially in this season that I am in of preparing for the world
race, that being vulnerable and true to how I am feeling is something that God
wants me to grasp in its entirety. Not just for myself but for those around me
because those that God has placed on my path deserve that.
As I am Stillprocessing world race training camp~ I have realized that being
vulnerable and true to myself with those around me was the best thing to do
because I am me, not you, I am me! A few days into training camp- A word was
given to me by one of the leaders and that word was COURAGEOUS.
and not just for the world race but for everything that God has for me.
Then I was prayed over. After that, I as like “wow God” you see me as courageous?
I have never thought of myself that way. You want to know what God told me next?
He told me clear as day: “Courageous is who I made you to be” Then after
thinking about it some more, I was like well I am here at training camp, in a new
place, with new people, doing lots of new things and I almost didn’t make it here
because my funds weren’t where they needed to be to come!…& that is pretty
Water Walker? Who Me? Recently, I e-mailed a pastor who has played a significant
role in my calling to the nations thus far and told him how things were going with
the world race and my fundraising etc and asked him to please continue to keep me
in prayer. Well a couple days later, he replied and said that I am a Water Walker
and my thoughts after reading that were like, Jesus walked on the water!- wow-
first courageous and now a water walker? God must really be trying to tell me
something! & whatever he is telling me, I have made up my mind that from now
on I choose to believe in what he says about me!
2 years ago in the summer of 2016 when I first traveled to Nicaragua~ God spoke
to me and used me to be an answer to a prayer for someone else! Why? Because I
made the choice to be vulnerable- not closed up. I chose to be to the woman and
her baby what the leader at training camp and the pastor who has played a
significant role in my calling were to me- listeners of the voice of God and
speakers of life! Please take a few minutes and watch the below video, its very near
to my heart. It shows a piece of my heart for God and his people.
If it touches you at all, please join my team and help me to continue to be a bearer
of the light and love of God!
$5,693 to raise by July 20th, is it possible? With God all things are possible!
Philippians 4:13~ I can do all things thru Christ who gives me strength!
Thank you for taking the time to read and follow my journey!
God bless you!
Please click the link below to join my team!
The story I share in the video below is about this woman and her baby. God used me to be an answer to her prayer! Glory and Praise to HIM!
Wow Cimone!
I finally got some time to read your blog and I must say it’s pretty cool and very uplifting. So glad to have met you and I wish you grace on your journey.
Thank you Ashley! Love you!
Please share the video if you feel led!
Love the video!! Thank you for sharing your experience and heart with us.