I refuse to call it a “mission trip” anymore
A year of my life spent living life in a different country each month
A year of my life building relationships with people who were strangers at first but are now family
A year of my life meeting new people
A year of my life being immersed in new cultures and customs
A year of my life introducing my tastebuds to new foods
A year of my life learning more about God and other religions that I had only learned about from a college class previously
A year of my life learning more about myself
A year of my life selflessly surrendering
A year of my life stepping out of my comfort zone on multiple occasions
It was more than a “mission trip”
It was a year of my life that changed my life, my heart, and my perspectives in more ways than I can count!
The world race will forever be remembered and looked back on as an unforgettable year of my life and one of the most beautiful journeys I have ever been on!