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Did you know that God knew your name before he even created you?

It was a very long time before I actually came to that realization!


I have noticed throughout my 32 years of living and breathing on this earth that there have been experiences in my life that have affected my view of God in a not so good way. However, thru prayer and spending time with God and having conversations about hard things with the community of believers that God has so intricately placed in my life- I come back to knowing that God knows my name!


God not only knows my name, and yours but he also knows every hair on our head- and every breathe we take and every move we make! He he is the author of our stories! He knows what is going to happen in our life before we do!


In Month one of the world race, we were supposed to go to Haiti- but because of civil unrest there, we couldn’t go.

We ended up going to the country that we were supposed to go to second- first! That country is the Dominican Republic! In the DR we as a squad did ministry at a place called Hope Mountain! It was such a beautiful place and God definitely knew what he was doing when he had us go there! We stayed there nestled in the beautiful countryside of the DR with the Dominguez family. Vikki, Reuben, Star, Solimar, and Selena were such inspirations to me in so many ways! During our month there, Star, Solimar and Selena were all battling being very sick- each in different forms and because of that lots of stress was brought on to the family. God had myself and my squad go there when he did, to intercede for them! During the course of the month we prayed corporately as a squad at 8am, 2pm and 7pm- everyday we lifted the girls and the family up and prayed healing and peace for the family.

We would also pray for any specific needs that our squad had as well. We definitely saw God answer prayers for not only the health of the girls and peace thru the challenges for the family but also for the needs of my squad!


One of the things we got to do for ministry was to go to the schools and teach English to the kids! It was one of my most favorite times of ministry in the DR!

Also one of my favorite things to do was to go get tea with my squamates and torta’s (cake made from either potato or yuka)

One of the sweetest things about it was that several of the kids and also the sweet lady Deimi who made my favorite tea that I helped to teach English to would remember my name!

When going out ofthe compound to either get tea, snacks or wifi- I would see Deimi or a few of the girls that were in the classes that I helped to teach English in and they would say “Hola Cimone”

Whenever this happened, God would remind me that he knows my name! He hasn’t forgotten about me!


So remember, He knows YOUR name!


Me and some of the sweet kids I taught English too!

Me and some of the sweet kids I taught English too!

Peace signs!

Deimi and I!

The Best Tea Ever Made By Deimi!



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