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   Do people ever tell you things about yourself (Things you know are true) and what they tell you actually helps you to truly believe in those things for yourself?

Well this world race journey has been a lot of that for me!

That 5 letter word and its FAITH

When my journey of the world race officially started after being accepted last January (January of 2017) I threw away being comfortable, well I had actually thrown it away several years prior, and what I mean by that is that I was finally allowing God to stretch and mold me. Prior to that I learned that God can’t grow or stretch us within our lines of comfort! For a while after accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior and walking with God- I began to wonder why I wasnt really growing or stretching to new levels.


The reason behind it was because not only did I not yet come to the full realization of my calling BUT I was not stepping out, everything I was doing was comfortable or easy. 


          When I finally came to fully realize the calling that God had placed on my life, I at first doubted myself and my abilities. Why? It was because I had been a worrier since a child~worrying about evey little thing and when I became an adult and had to pay for my rent and bills and everything on my own~some of that worry still stuck and I worried a lot about money and my finances! 


How interesting is it that God has called me to the nations, he has called me to missions, he has called me to travel with a purpose and this calling costs money!

This calling has caused me to leave worry at the feet of Jesus and replace it with a steadfast faith! It has caused me to not be a worrier but a warrior!


My calling directly correlates with something I struggled with (and sometimes still struggle with )  I believe this is because God doesn’t want me to struggle anymore~he is changing the worrier to warrior!


This brings me back to the things that others say I am….Just some of the things that have been spoken over me is that: I have a lot of FAITH! That my faith is CONTAGIOUS! That I am a WARRIOR for the kingdom. That I make an Impact on them! That my FAITH is an encouragement to them. That I am a REFLECTION of Jesus. 

I will be honest and say that some days I believe it and some days I dont. 


However, when those I love speak the life of those truths over me~ you know what it does to me? It ENCOURAGES me to continue to walk in FAITH, and to not be a WORRIER BUT a WARRIOR for Christ! 


So thank you to all those that continue to see the good in me, speak truth and life into me and love me for me! Its because of YOU that I am encouraged to continue to walk out all that God has called me to do!

Do YOU want to be a part of my faith filled journey of the world race? 

I am looking for people to come alongside me in prayer and financially!

I currently have 4 days to raise 5,087 dollars in order to continue this mission of the world race! (More to come on that)

Please prayerfully consider partnering with me to bring God’s love to the nations!

Love you all!




6 responses to “Faith’in It Till I Make It!”

  1. Your boldness is incredible!!! God is doing amazing things through you and for you, even right now during this interim period. Keep doing what you’re doing- being faithful and praising the One!

  2. Thank you Abby! You are such an encouragement to me also~as you moved past your broken wrist and didnt let it stop you from doing anything at tc including helping me with my pack! Thank you for being you! I am believing that God will provide!

  3. I love your blog post Cimone! It’s so true that your faith is contagious. Before we got to meet at training camp, you were a constant encouragement to me and shared your incredible amount of faith with me. You encourage to more faith, which has brought many blessings. I’m praying that God overwhelms you with even more blessings for your faith. Praying so hard for you, my sweet friend! God loves you and is faithful. He’s got this!